Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 21 & 22 of my 30 day challenge

Well, day 21 was a picture of something you wish you could forget, so in the spirit of that, I am not posting a photo seeing as it would just remind me of said thing I wish to forget. So, on to day 22


I wish I was a better runner. I know it's really good for my body, and mind but I hate it so much. I really just wish I had more motivation to work out....I suppose today is as good as any day to start, right after I finish watching this movie of course:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 19 of my 30 day challenge

                                    A picture of a place you want to visit
SANTORINI GREECE!!!!! Oh how I dream of this destination!!! My ultimate dream would be to renew my vows on the beach at sunset.....dream big right:) I love everything about this island, and one day I will go there and take photos ALL day!