Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 21 & 22 of my 30 day challenge

Well, day 21 was a picture of something you wish you could forget, so in the spirit of that, I am not posting a photo seeing as it would just remind me of said thing I wish to forget. So, on to day 22


I wish I was a better runner. I know it's really good for my body, and mind but I hate it so much. I really just wish I had more motivation to work out....I suppose today is as good as any day to start, right after I finish watching this movie of course:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 19 of my 30 day challenge

                                    A picture of a place you want to visit
SANTORINI GREECE!!!!! Oh how I dream of this destination!!! My ultimate dream would be to renew my vows on the beach at sunset.....dream big right:) I love everything about this island, and one day I will go there and take photos ALL day!

Day 18 of my 30 day challenge

                                           A picture of you when you were little
I couldn't find a picture of me any younger than this. I was probably about 9 or 10 here. I had the most awesome perm don't ya think?:) I am with my uncle, who I adored, and my cousin Laura. I haven't changed much, I'm probably about the same height as I am now;) I really wish I had more photos of when I was younger, going to have to search my dad's house for them!

Day 17 of my 30 day challenge

                   A picture of your biggest insecurity
While it's a silent insecruity that I don't broadcast, I am very insecure about not having a college degree....YET!   Not to make excuses for myself, but getting pregnant at 18, then moving all over the world ever since hasn't made it easy to go back to school. Now that my youngest is in Kindergarten and I have ALL day to myself, I have all the motivation in the world to go back to school and get my college diploma. University of Texas here I come HOOK EM HORNS!!!!
<center><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a>

Angel Perry's Vintage photo challenge;
Nothing says vintage to ME more than ROME, Italy! Everything about this city is old, vintage, ruins and I could sit ALL day in front of the Roman Coliseum. It's truly my favorite city in the world, so naturally a photo of the Coliseum was my first choice. I have hundreds of photos, from every angle so it was hard to narrow it down. Hope everyone enjoys this shot:)!