Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 21 & 22 of my 30 day challenge

Well, day 21 was a picture of something you wish you could forget, so in the spirit of that, I am not posting a photo seeing as it would just remind me of said thing I wish to forget. So, on to day 22


I wish I was a better runner. I know it's really good for my body, and mind but I hate it so much. I really just wish I had more motivation to work out....I suppose today is as good as any day to start, right after I finish watching this movie of course:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 19 of my 30 day challenge

                                    A picture of a place you want to visit
SANTORINI GREECE!!!!! Oh how I dream of this destination!!! My ultimate dream would be to renew my vows on the beach at sunset.....dream big right:) I love everything about this island, and one day I will go there and take photos ALL day!

Day 18 of my 30 day challenge

                                           A picture of you when you were little
I couldn't find a picture of me any younger than this. I was probably about 9 or 10 here. I had the most awesome perm don't ya think?:) I am with my uncle, who I adored, and my cousin Laura. I haven't changed much, I'm probably about the same height as I am now;) I really wish I had more photos of when I was younger, going to have to search my dad's house for them!

Day 17 of my 30 day challenge

                   A picture of your biggest insecurity
While it's a silent insecruity that I don't broadcast, I am very insecure about not having a college degree....YET!   Not to make excuses for myself, but getting pregnant at 18, then moving all over the world ever since hasn't made it easy to go back to school. Now that my youngest is in Kindergarten and I have ALL day to myself, I have all the motivation in the world to go back to school and get my college diploma. University of Texas here I come HOOK EM HORNS!!!!
<center><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a>

Angel Perry's Vintage photo challenge;
Nothing says vintage to ME more than ROME, Italy! Everything about this city is old, vintage, ruins and I could sit ALL day in front of the Roman Coliseum. It's truly my favorite city in the world, so naturally a photo of the Coliseum was my first choice. I have hundreds of photos, from every angle so it was hard to narrow it down. Hope everyone enjoys this shot:)!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 16 of my 30 day challenge

                        A picure of a person who has made a huge impact on your life recently
I've only known this girl since August, but I swear if she hadn't let me tag along to the beach with her (when we had never met....still weird how that happened haha) I don't know how I would have made it through the end of my stay in Naples. We have had so much fun together in the short amount of time that we have been friends, and we are always laughing every time we are together. It is also a plus that our husbands get along as well! Although I'm still ready to get out of here, without Sarah I would have lost my mind a LONG time ago:) I'm so glad to know that I've mad another friend for life!


                                A PICTURE OF SOMEONE WHO INSPIRES YOU
With out queston my two boys are my biggest inspiration. They make me want to be better at everything. I want them to look up to me, and be proud to call me their mother. Everytime my children do or say something so sweet, polite and caring, it makes me feel like I'm doing a really good job at raising two wonderful, smart, giving children. They are my whole life<3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The only thing I REALLY want to do is renew my vows on the beach! Matthew and I were married so young, and didn't really have a real wedding. I want to have all of our friends and family there to celebrate our marriage with us. I wanted to do this at our 10 year anniversary, but we may have to wait until 15 years?:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is no way I can pick just 1 person I couldn't imagine my life without. My husband is my absolute BEST FRIEND, and I couldn't imagine a day without him  there to talk to, cry and laugh with. And my world would crumble without my boys. I miss them so much if I am away from them for to long. They make me smile and laugh everyday, and I LOVE their laughter as well. These 3 men are my life, I live everyday for them....I always tell my husband that if anything ever happened to any of them, it would be straight to the padded room for me:) I would lose it!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 13 of my 30 day Challenge

                                * A PICTURE OF YOUR FAVORITE BAND OR ARTIST*
I love music so much, I'm not sure I can narrow it down to just one so I will just add the artist that is making me the happiest lately<3
Adele and her beautiful voice captivate me! I love her!! I love that she has a different sound than every other young female out there. I love that she isn't your stereo-typical, perfect body little pop singer. Her music has soul, and so much power behind her voice. Her new single "Rolling in the Deep" has been on repeat on my ipod since I heard it. Chasing Pavements is one of my favorite songs!! Anyway, I love her, and her music makes me happy:)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 12 of my 30 day Challenge

                              A photo of something you L<3VE
There is nothing I love more than my family! These three men complete me, and I don't know what I would do without them. Everyday I'm more in love with my husband, and everyday my boys make me more proud than the day before. It's a wonderful life we have created, and I look forward to where life will take us:)

Saturday, February 19, 2011



I used one of my favorite photos I took in the spring of last year, and added texture to it. This was in the orchard behind my house, in March and April, before the fruit starts to grow the trees get all these beautiful flowers on them. It's my favorite time to be in Italy:)


                                      #@!A PICTURE OF SOMEHING YOU HATE!@#
Call it a pet peeve, or something I HATE, whatever....but nothing gets under my skin more than white guys/or girls who act gangster!!! ESPECIALLY rich white kids who act like they have a hard life living the streets. Case and point, these three losers, who are clearly posing with their dad's cars. Just looking at them makes me get the point!


As you can tell from this picture, my best friend is all fun all the time. She takes the prize as the person I do the most messed up things with. We have been road tripping to gymnastics competitions together since I was 8 years old. We have peed in a bucket on the side of a mountain in freezing cold weather when we were just little kids. We bathed together until we were probably 10 (although we were both the size of toddlers.) The two man backwalkover is our claim to fame....I wish there was video of that somewhere:) We road tripped to Georgia together and almost died several times, this was my first time driving out of the state, and before the days of Tom Tom, so it was all us with a map and a 8 month old:) We also did a road trip to Florida in Amanda's car (her license was suspended) I drove most of the time because Amanda is the worst/scariest driver I have ever been in the car with (your family must come from Naples:) I drove 95% of the time because I feared for my life when she was behind the wheel. When I finally got so tired that I knew I could fall asleep right away and not panic with her driving, I let her take the wheel. I woke up to her yanking the wheel back to a straight line. I looked at her and she said " I figured out that I could close my eyes for 13 seconds before I started to go off the road" hahaha! This girl always make me laugh....needless to say we pulled over and I continued the drive:) I love you Amanda, and I am so happy we are going to be living a little closer to each other! Can't wait to add on to our memories together for the rest of our lives! This year marks 20 years as best friends.....amazing!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 9 of my 30 day challenge

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, I have the most amazing friends and each one of these wonderful women have gotten me through hard times in my life. I don't know where I would be without the undying support and love from these 3 beautiful women, they will never know how much they all mean to me:) I just hope I am half the friend to them as they are to me, I love you all ladies<3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 src="" width="350" height="350" /&gt;

{one} what is your favorite breakfast food?
                               I love all breakfast food, Italy doesn't do breakfast like America so I  dying for some waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon...the works!

                         {two} how many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Honestly, too many to count.....probably upwards of 30 pairs. from flip flops, boots, heels, and tennis shoes

{three} city or country?
I'm a city girl, not right downtown, but a nice suburb is good for me

{four} what is your favorite part of your job?
                                  raising my two boys, and watching them be well behaved knowing that was all    because of my hard work!

{five} what is your favorite junk food to snack on?
                                        I really don't eat junk food, or snack on anything during the day

{six} have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
Yes, in high school for gymnastics and for homecoming court.

{seven} do you use post-it notes?
not really

{eight} do you have freckles?
nope, got lucky because my brother and sister have them.

{nine} is it okay for men to wear pink?
of course, my hubby looks amazing in pink:)

{ten} when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
October, my husband was leaving for a month and I wrote him a little note before he left:)

Day 8 of my 30 day challenge

                                         :) A PICTURE THAT MAKES YOU LAUGH (:
There is a LONG story behind this photo, but everytime I look at it I remember this night and laugh. Right after this photo there was something/someone thrown against the other side of this wall and it scared me so much I jumped over that couch behind me. "UNBELIEVABLE MO FO!" Hilarious:)

Day 7 of my 30 day challenge

                                    <3 A PICTURE OF YOUR MOST TREASURED ITEM<3
This is a picture of a picture, so excuse the quality. This is a picutre of me and my grandma who I absolutely adored. She died when I was younger, but I still think about her all the time. Her whole kitchen was done in strawberries, so anytime I found something with strawberries on it I would make my mom buy it so I could take it to my grandma when we would visit her. Now all those things I remember picking out for her are in my kitchen today. That is the reason my first tattoo was a strawberry:) This is the only picture I have of just me and my grandmother, and I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 6 of my 30 day challenge

                       ***A picture of someone you would love to trade places with for a day***
You may thing "odd choice" but have her money for one day.....I could do some SERIOUS damage:)

Sunday, February 13, 2011



This is a picture of when I brought my youngest home from the hospital. This is one of my favorite memories because he was suppose to be a girl, he even came home in a pink carseat. Imagine my surprise when the Dr. said "it's a boy":) I wouldn't trade this amazing little boy for any girl in the world!  My two boys complete me, and I can't imagine my life without them. I know I was always suppose to be a mother, and I love it more and more everyday:)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 4 of my 30 day challenge

                                          ! A picutre of a habit you wish you didn't have!

My name is Allison and I'm a DEW a holic....although I've been clean since Oct. it's still an addiction/bad habit I wish I didn't have! Soda is SO bad for me, I wish I could stop.....DAMN you tasty beverage!:)

Friday, February 11, 2011

**DAY 3 of my 30 day challenge**

                           **A PICTURE OF THE CAST OF YOUR FAVORITE SHOW**
GLEE is without a doubt my favorite show on television, not just for all the humor but because of the amazing message it sends to young kids. Every episode makes me laugh and cry, it's so honest but still so much fun. I can't say enough good things about this show, every time I watch it I'm left with a smile on my face:)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 2 of my 30 day challenge

~ A picture of you and a person you've been close with for a while~

This is me and my best friend Amanda. We have been best friends since I was 8 years old, and have been through EVERYTHING together!! We are more like family, and I'm so lucky to have her in my life<3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1 of my 30 day challenge

*15 random facts about me*
1. I had my first child when I was 18, although I didn't go off to college like the rest of my friends I feel like I have experienced more life than any of them.
2.  I LOVE my two boys more than anything in this world, but I would give anything for a baby girl!
3. I added this photo because not only is Rome my favorite city in the world, I could sit and take photos of the Coliseum ALL day long.
4. My favorite candy is PEZ, I don't know why, but I could eat it all the time!
5. I collect all things with strawberries on them.
6. I am a reality t.v.'s a serious guilty pleasure
7. I never played video games until this friday my husband got me HOOKED on Call of Duty!
8. writing 15 things about myself is extremely hard!
9. I wish I had more motivation to go to the gym, I think it's good for them mind....I just never want too:)
10. I would do ANYTHING for my friends and family....they complete me<3
11. I would rather spend a night on the couch in pj's with my husband than anything else in the world.
12. I want to spend my birthday (April 15th) in Santorini Greece
13.  I wish we  would have done more traveling while living in Europe
14. I also wish I would have become fluent in Italian....dropped the ball on that one:(
15. I LOVE the color red:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is the photo I picked for my first photo challenge with Angel Perry. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures of sunsets! This was one of the first sunset pictures I took when I moved to Italy, there is NO photo editing in this photo, everything just came out with a yellow glow to it:)