Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1 of my 30 day challenge

*15 random facts about me*
1. I had my first child when I was 18, although I didn't go off to college like the rest of my friends I feel like I have experienced more life than any of them.
2.  I LOVE my two boys more than anything in this world, but I would give anything for a baby girl!
3. I added this photo because not only is Rome my favorite city in the world, I could sit and take photos of the Coliseum ALL day long.
4. My favorite candy is PEZ, I don't know why, but I could eat it all the time!
5. I collect all things with strawberries on them.
6. I am a reality t.v.'s a serious guilty pleasure
7. I never played video games until this friday my husband got me HOOKED on Call of Duty!
8. writing 15 things about myself is extremely hard!
9. I wish I had more motivation to go to the gym, I think it's good for them mind....I just never want too:)
10. I would do ANYTHING for my friends and family....they complete me<3
11. I would rather spend a night on the couch in pj's with my husband than anything else in the world.
12. I want to spend my birthday (April 15th) in Santorini Greece
13.  I wish we  would have done more traveling while living in Europe
14. I also wish I would have become fluent in Italian....dropped the ball on that one:(
15. I LOVE the color red:)

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