Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is the photo I picked for my first photo challenge with Angel Perry. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures of sunsets! This was one of the first sunset pictures I took when I moved to Italy, there is NO photo editing in this photo, everything just came out with a yellow glow to it:)


  1. Lovelly sunset yellow! My fave! :)

  2. I love that you blog Allison! Thanks SO much for linking up!
    Have I mentioned how jealous I am that you live it Italy???!!!!
    Miss your sweet face sunshine!

  3. Way to go! I was a bit nervous the first time I entered a challenge. This sunset is a beauty! If you want to enter more stop over and check out my photo challenge page!

  4. Thanks for all the encouragement ladies! I was a bit intimidated to start a blog after seeing how fantastic some of them are! Hope I get the hang of it soon:) Kristy I will join your photo challenge as well, seeing as I need all the practice I can get!!!
