Wednesday, February 16, 2011 src="" width="350" height="350" />

{one} what is your favorite breakfast food?
                               I love all breakfast food, Italy doesn't do breakfast like America so I  dying for some waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon...the works!

                         {two} how many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Honestly, too many to count.....probably upwards of 30 pairs. from flip flops, boots, heels, and tennis shoes

{three} city or country?
I'm a city girl, not right downtown, but a nice suburb is good for me

{four} what is your favorite part of your job?
                                  raising my two boys, and watching them be well behaved knowing that was all    because of my hard work!

{five} what is your favorite junk food to snack on?
                                        I really don't eat junk food, or snack on anything during the day

{six} have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
Yes, in high school for gymnastics and for homecoming court.

{seven} do you use post-it notes?
not really

{eight} do you have freckles?
nope, got lucky because my brother and sister have them.

{nine} is it okay for men to wear pink?
of course, my hubby looks amazing in pink:)

{ten} when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
October, my husband was leaving for a month and I wrote him a little note before he left:)

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